What is NMO?
The Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) Clinical and Research Program at the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health is Canada’s only NMO program that is focused on clinical service with a research component. It was established in 2009 through the generous support of Rick and Susan Diamond.
The NMO Clinic and Research Program, under the direction of Dr. Anthony Traboulsee, is focused on finding the cause and improving the treatment of NMO. It strives to raise ongoing awareness and to educate and disseminating information about NMO to patients, the public, and healthcare professionals.
The NMO Clinic and Research program operates alongside the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Clinic at the UBC Hospital.
Collaborations with the Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation and with national and international researchers have been established to study and promote the understanding of this often devastating disease.

Neuromyelitis optica is a chronic and unpredictable disease that has significant impact not only on you, but also on your family members and friends, as you try to cope with the disease and the changes it may bring.
Goals of our Clinic
The overall goal of our clinic is to model ethical and responsible professional behaviour while providing medical treatment to a diverse patient population which meets the standard of care. Our specific goals are to:
Improve the accuracy of NMO diagnosis
Start preventative treatment as early as possible and treat severe relapses rapidly
Research NMO to improve our understanding and develop new preventative treatments
Educate patients, families and healthcare professionals about NMO
Advocate with government, hospitals and the MS Society for NMO resources
Establish national guidelines for NMO treatment
How to get referred to the NMO program:
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with NMO, or if your healthcare provider suspects you or a family member may have symptoms of NMO, then have your family doctor, ophthalmologist or neurologist complete a referral form and fax it to the NMO Clinic and Research Program. As this is a specialized program, we cannot accept self-referrals for clinical care.
Referrals should be sent by fax to 604-297-9685.
What will happen at the appointment:
• The first appointment with the NMO Clinic and Research Program may take the whole day. It will involve seeing the Neurologist and possibly all or some of the following staff: nurse, neuro-ophthamologist, and genetic counselor.
• Previous investigations/results and symptoms will be reviewed and further tests may then be ordered to confirm an NMO diagnosis or to rule out other conditions. Possible tests may include: blood test for antibody aquaporin-4 (AQP4), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), optical coherence tomography (OCT).
• Treatment options and recommendations will also be discussed, and a follow-up appointment will be scheduled to review results of any newly ordered tests.
• Annual visits (or more frequently depending on the clinical judgment of the team) will be planned.
Frequently Asked Questions
Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) is a rare autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) where antibodies can damage the spinal cord and/or optic nerves during attacks. The cause of this disease is unknown. In many ways, NMO can be confused with multiple sclerosis (MS), but NMO is less common and attacks can be more severe than the MS attacks. NMO is also known as Devic’s Disease.
NMO and MS are different diseases and require different treatments, however it can be very challenging to distinguish between NMO and MS. Patients with NMO have a detectable antibody that targets Aquaporin-4 (AQP4). NMO attacks are usually more severe, and cause lasting disability. Relapsing Remitting MS (RRMS) tends to change to a gradually progressive stage, but this is very rare in NMO.
A neurologist with specialization in NMO and MS is often required. Tests frequently include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and spinal cord, vision tests, and blood tests for an antibody to AQP4 (NMO-IgG). There are practical criteria that we currently follow, although each case must be individually analyzed, as some patients who have exceptions to the criteria may still have NMO. The presence of the antibody NMO-IgG helps to confirm the diagnosis of NMO, but it is not mandatory for diagnosis. It is important to understand that the criteria are generalizations and for guidance only. Each case has to be assessed separately. Also the criteria changes over time to incorporate new scientific information.
Standard treatment involves intravenous steroids, and sometimes, additional treatments to remove antibodies (intravenous immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis/plasma exchange). These treatments should be started as soon as possible at onset of a severe attack. Milder attacks may require steroids taken by mouth. Although the symptoms of NMO and MS seem similar, they are different diseases with different pathologic mechanisms, therefore are treated in different ways. The four aspects to treatment in NMO include: treating the attack, preventing relapses, treating the residual symptoms of the relapse, and rehabilitation.
NMO is a treatable disease and prevention of attacks using common medications is recommended after careful assessment by a specialist. Regular moderate exercise is also helpful. NMO attacks can include severe sudden vision loss (one or both eyes) or optic neuritis, severe transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord) with evidence of a "long cord lesion" on MRI. These types of attacks are suspicious for NMO but may not necessarily become NMO. Assessment by an NMO expert is recommended. In general, NMO attacks are more frequent than in MS, and they tend to occur in clusters.
NMO is more commonly seen in women between the ages of 20 and 40. However, the NMO Clinic and Research Program has seen this develop in children as young as 2 years old and in adults in their 60s. However, NMO is rare compared to MS (for example, 150 have NMO in BC and over 9000 people have MS). Approximately one-third of East and South-East Asians diagnosed with MS actually have NMO.
• Explain NMO to those around you, including your children, extended family, friends, and coworkers.
• Set realistic expectations and goals.
• Get help, emotionally and physically. If you are having trouble fulfilling certain tasks, ask for assistance.
• Explore financial resources.
• Find new activities that allow you, your family and friends to spend time together.
• Work closely with your healthcare team and stay educated about your illness.
• Reassure each family member of his or her importance.

A Passion for Discovery
Find out how you can get involved in finding a cure for NMO